Friday 6 November 2009

Ideas are bulletproof...

Everyone who hasn't needs to see V for Vendetta...It's a MUST!!!

Mood: Tired but ready to read
Reading: Frankenstein
Music: the ambience of Oxford
New favorite quotes:
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having! - V
Ideas are bulletproof... - V

The only verdict is vengence; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. - V

Today, I realized Microsoft Words puts the red squiggley line under "Ravenclaw", "Hufflepuff", and "Slytherin"...but not "Gryffindor". 100 points to Gryffindor. MLIA.

Now on to the blog portion.

Yesterday was the 5th of November, a very important holiday in the United Kingdom, because it celebrates the preservation of the kingdom and is really just another excuse to raise your glasses and cheer "God Save the Queen!". My friends and I decided to take a trip down to Cowley Road, a bit outside of Oxford...about a 20 minute walk...because that was where the celebrations were being held. Fireworks were set off earlier in the evening, but due to our viewing of V for Vendetta we missed them. I did manage to see one go off, but it wasn't really that impressive. We threw poppers to try and make our own celebratory noises. Luckily we didn't draw too much attention to ourselves because Alex was carrying a pocket knife...which in this country is illegal...woops.

Anyways, the pub and venturing there and back was epic times. Lots of laughing and trying not to get hit by busses. We succeeded. Oh, and Alex Bird Man-ed Frank. Which he refused to do. Lame.
We ended up at Hobgoblin Pub, home to the delicious Hobgoblin brewery. I ended up getting an ale called Fireside which was very good. And I got my Oxford Ale Trail map stamped. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with this, the Oxford Ale Trail is composed of 19 pubs throughout Oxford. It's sponsered by Brakespeare Bitter and Brakespeare Oxford Gold beers. If you get one of those at an affiliated pub, you get a stamp. With 6 stamps, you get a free tshirt. And with all the stamps you get a free pint. I prefer the shirt, because I can keep that and show it off. Trying to bring back a pint of beer is a little bit more difficult. Pint glasses are easy. Pints of beer not so much. I've got 3 stamps so far. So by the end of this weekend, I will have my shirt. Win.

On our return from Hobgoblin, we stopped and got chips and cheese from one of the stands. This greasy mess of food is sent directly to us mortals from the gods above. Yes, it's a heart attack in a styrofoam box...but its cheesy crispy goodness is well worth the health risks.
We brought our food back to the common room and proceeded to watch Across the Universe. All of us were still tipsy so it made for a trippy experience. And everyone sang...which just made it fun.

Afterwards, I took it upon myself to fulfill the duty of educating a friend on the classic video "I'm On a Boat" as well as "Jizzed in my Pants" because she had seen neither.
All in all I'd say it was a very successful night.
Oh, and apparently some other people in the program who were out last night met the actor who plays Dean Thomas from the Harry Potter movies. He goes to one of the colleges here in Oxford. 1) I really do go to Hogwarts 2) I can't believe I wasn't there!!!!!
Now off to read about poor wretched monsters in Gothic novels.

Until later...Jen