Thursday 5 November 2009

Good evening star shine!

Well world...good evening.

I have broken down and decided to join the millions who write thier narratives in the blog-o-sphere. Considering I have notions of becoming a writer some day, I figured this would be good practice. As well as kepping those at home up to date on my latest adventures.

As most of you know, I am currently studying abroad in England. Oxford to be precise. The land of tea, pub food, funny phone booths, and Hogwarts.

Yes, I go to Hogwarts.

Not officially, but pretty much.

I walk around the streets of Oxford, admiring the architecture and the history. I'll find myself walking past a college and taking a casual glance, only to stop and stare because there's a bit of that wizarding school. Most of these connections reside only in my whimsical imagination...but I have been to quite a few filming locations for the Harry Potter movies. Such as Christ Church, the Bodleian Library, and the Divinity School of the Bodleian. It's all pretty fantastic.

Me standing on the steps that lead up to Hogwarts...well...not really. It's Christ Church, but still...pretty awesome.
This is also where they brought the body of Moaning Murtle down in The Chamber of Secrets...when Tom Riddle was kinda cute. Too bad he ended up being a manical muderer. Oh well.
As to my other adventures, I'm about to partake in one now. In a few minutes I will wander up to the JCR (Junior Common Room) to watch V for Vendetta with my CMRS (Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies) compatriots. Today is, in fact, Guy Fawkes day. I don't know all of the history, but I do know it is also called the Gunpowder Plot and if it had succeeded, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben would not be standing today. So yay for stopping treasonous activities and large explosions!

Anyways, we're watching the movie and then heading out to a pub for a celebratory drink.

Until later...

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November

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