Tuesday 24 November 2009

the end is nigh...

I bow down and humble myself in deep apologies for not updating in so long. I've gotten swept up in a tumult of papers, books, and weekend activities (of which there were pubs, bops, and dancing). So it's been quite busy recently. But now I have a spare moment, a rare occurrence, and knew I should update. So here I am...updating...enjoy.

Mood: quixotic
Music: New Moon Soundtack
Reading: Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock...or at least I will be reading that tonight

Last Saturday, the 14th, was the infamous Crossdressing Bop at St. Peter's College, which CMRS is affiliated with. We attended. And we awesome. I'm just gonna put that out there. And we were the best dressed manly girls ever. I was decked out in beard and chest hair. If anything, I looked like a sleaze. But that was pretty much the point. Between the crossdressing, the drinks, and the dancing with glow sticks on a dance floor that was like a space station with lasers, it was a pretty freaking awesome night. Here's the whole gang. Don't we look gorgeous.

Next up on the list is movies. Last week I obsessively watched Boondock Saints and listened to the soundtrack. I just couldn't get enough. But come on now...a movie about two very attractive Irish men who go around and kill the bad guys in pretty badass ways...thats a great movie. Sean Patrick Flanery. Norman Reedus. Willem Dafoe. Billy Connolly. What more do you need?

And then last Wednesday night, me and my friends went out to the Odean Theater and stood in line for the midnight premier of...wait for it...NEW MOON!!!!!
Yes...I am a Twilight fan. And you know what? I don't care if you judge, because I love it. Vampires. Werewolves. True love. Best thing ever. And the actors are attractive too.
Anyways, so we got there early, stood in line for over an hour, and got perfect seats!!! The movie that was supposed to start at 12:01 am Thursday didn't start until close to 12:30 because apparently Oxford students like to show up to midnight premiers way after midnight, dawdle in the lobby, by their twizzlers and coke, hit up the bathroom, and then meander to their seats. Come on people!!! It's a freakin midnight premier!!! Show some respect and be there on time!!
But I digress...the curtain went up, the lights went down, the cheers were shouted...and the picture was backwards. Groans. The lights came up the picture went off. A few minutes later, the picture came on like it was supposed to and went right to the movie. No trailers at premiers I suppose. The energy was tangible, and I was giddy with excitement. Sitting next to my fellow Twilight-fan (ALEX!! WOOHOO!!) we watched the movie, our eyes glued to the screen, giggling at all the right moments (like when Jacob takes his shirt off), and simply enjoying ourselves. It was AMAZING!!! I can't believe I saw it. In Oxford. At midnight. So much win!

This weekend we had a party celebrating Will's birthday. It was a masquerade, which made it that much more fun. Party at CMRS, then St. Peter's bar, Four Candles, and Gloucester Arms. Tons of fun wandering around Oxford dressed up and wearing masks. We weren't creepy at all I swear.
One night we watched Singing in the Rain and Alex and I danced the Moses Supposes dance, which was caught on film and now on facebook. It could be embarassing, but I just think it's awesome.
In the midst of all of these amazing memories, it hits me more and more just how little time we have left here. It's a bittersweet realization. Thanksgiving is in two days and that just amazes me. It's now the end of November. WTF? How did that get here so fast? It seems like only yesterday I was getting on the plane, and now I'm about to get back on one. Where did all the time go?
I have mixed feelings about going home. I'm excited to go home, to see my family, to sleep in my bed, to celebrate Christmas, bake cookies, decorate the tree...all that jazz. More likely than not get to visit my friends in Florida and finally see my boyfriend! So, you see, I have a lot waiting at home for me and a lot to look forward to.
But then there's another part of me that doesn't want to leave all this behind. Oxford has become home to me. I know the side streets. I'm a regular at the kebab stand and they always give me extra toppings because they like me. I look out over the top of Oxford every day and see the dome of the Radcliffe Camera. This place has become a part of me.
But it's not just that, it's the program itself that I don't want to leave. It the people and CMRS Autumn 2009 program. I will miss the city and all of its treasures, but I will miss the people the most. Our group.
Pub crawling. Hanging in the JCR. That's what she said jokes. Chips and cheese runs. Birdman. The game (which I just lost...and so did you!! Haha!!) Doing the Time Warp dance. Just talking and hopefully getting quoted on Tex from Last Night. Bonding with people who live on the opposite side of the United States, and it took being in another country to meet them.
It's starting to hit me just how much I've grown while here. I know who I am. Or at least a much better idea of who I am. The search never really ends. And it took being here, in a different country, in a challenging university system, with amazing people to fully embrace myself and what my life can become.
I know that the memories made here will be kept forever, and that the experience here will never truly be lost. There's pictures. There's facebook. There's these blogs. But the day to day little things that make this place and this experience what it is will have to be let go. But letting go is apart of the process. You have to let go to grow up. And who knows what else is coming for us down the road. As Bilbo says, "The road goes ever on and on". So even if this feels like the end, it really isn't. It's just a spot on the road that we all walked down together for a while. The fork in the road is fast approaching, but we don't have to say good bye just yet.
So here's to the last three weeks in Oxford!!! Let's make them EPIC!!!

stay classy, planet earth...

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