Monday 5 April 2010

G'day Chaps!

Hello blogosphere!

I first want to give my most humble apologies for being absent for so long. My life has been relatively hectic the past few months and I am only now having a moment to catch my breath.
Let me there is too much...let me sum up (yay to those who got that reference)

- My return to the states from being in England was a safe one. Not very happy though. I did manage to watch the Hangover on the plane and that seemed to be the only thing keeping me from sinking into a depression at leaving that wonderful country.

- Over my winter break my boyfriend flew up to visit, we road tripped it down to Orlando, and we spent two blissful weeks being reunited and acting like kids at Disney. Best winter break ever.

- Back at school, I was thrown into my classes and all 3 of them (low course load I know) are much more time consuming than I originally anticipated. O well. Writing and drawing and painting has taken up my semester. And I have no complaints.

- Spring break was spent down in Orlando again, where I visited Kevin. I had hoped to surprise him by arriving a day early, but guess who couldn't keep her text messages straight when finally meeting up with him? spoiled the surprise. But it was still amazing.

- My boyfriend, Kevin, is a wizard. I'm just going to take this opportunity and brag about him. Yeah, he's a wizard. He will be working at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on the Forbidden Journey ride and he's a Gryffindor. Best boyfriend ever? I like to think so.

- He took me to Universal Studios for the day and I got to see the Wizarding World. I was brought to tears. I know it may seem like I was overly emotional, and maybe I was, but after growing up on Harry Potter, this is a dream come true. I read the books when they first were published. I went to the midnight book openings. I went to the midnight premiers of movies. I was the one in 6th grade that was drawing sketches with one of my friends for our own Harry Potter park so we could send it in to whoever. And now it's actually happening. Yeah I cried. But that's because this is the culmination of my childhood coming to life. I'm pretty freakin excited.

- Yesterday was the 6th month anniversary of Kevin and I dating. I find that number unbelievable. It feels like yesterday, and yet is also feels like it's been this way forever. Odd how that happens.

- The wonderful Alex Herrington, an amazing friend from Oxford who lives in California, visited last week and this weekend. We showed her around the campus, had a bonfire down on the water, took her to our hole in the wall bar (the kind frequented by townies and with peanut shells on the floor), and all in all had an epic time. But as is usual with epic times, they must come to an end. And on Saturday morning, we saw the end of ours. But I am planning on visiting her this summer, and I have a couch to crash on.

And that brings me up to now, as I sit on my multi-colored comforter with laptop in lap (fitting), the sounds of lacrosse practice floating through my open window. Today was warm, hot even, and I am tired from sitting in the sun. We had class outside, which was great. Except I didn't get much shade, not so great.

Last night, while trying to fall asleep, I stumbled upon the blog Poor Girl Eats Well. It's amazing. This girl's financial troubles and love of good food led to this blog where she posts yummy, healthy, delicious and cheap recipies. I was in heaven. For being the starving college student soon to enter the real world, cheap and healthy are two things that never seem to go together. Check her out, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

And yes, the real world is just around the corner. I graduate on May 15, about 5 weeks from now, and I have no real plan for the future. It's terrifying. I want to move to Orlando to be with Kevin and my friends, and to continue to work at Disney, but don't have a place to move to or the money to do so. It's a predicament. I know things will work out somehow, but it's the waiting for things to work out that's killer. I am no stranger to being patient. The majority of my relationship has been long distance, so patience is something I am good at. It's just the fact that I have to be patient that gets annoying.

But spring has sprung and graduation is looming, which means work and weather will hopefully make the time go by fast. And before I know it I'll be wearing my cap and gown, walking across that stage, and getting that lovely piece of parchment that says "Woohoo! Now you're an adult!" For now, I will wait...

My wonderful wizard with the majestic Hogwarts castle in the background.

Me in front of the town of Hogsmeade, the only all wizarding town in the world.

So g'day chaps. Have a magical evening!