Friday 11 December 2009

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

I am currently hanging in the common room with the gang. It's quite fun. Nora and Tex are passing a stick back and forth and making up sayings for them, sortof like Who's Line is it Anyways? It's been going on for a long time. Finishing off the rest of the drinks and trying to amuse ourselves until the end. We all know we should be sleeping right now, but also don't want to say good night because that means it is that much closer to the final goodbye. Saying good bye is going to way to hard (that's also what she said). We have all had so much fun and become such close friends that saying good bye is going to be heartwrenching. I've already had to say farewell to some people, and it's been quite difficult. Those final parting words. That final hug. Knowing and yet trying to deny the fact that we probably will never see each other again. The CMRS'09 family...parting the last time...and yet trying to fight it. I really have no other words to say how I'm feeling.
I'm numb and conflicted.
I am ecstatic to go home and see my family and friends.
And yet, leaving here is going to be so hard.
I had the best day today. I went to all the sights I've been meaning to visit all in one day. All wearing my Gryffindor scarf so I could take Hogwarts pictures. Of which I have in abundance. Christ Church. Exetor. Merton. Magdalen. Duke Humphrey's Library/Hogwarts Library. The Bodleian. It was pretty much the best day ever. But it was also my last day.
Good news: so much epicness in final day.
Bad news: it's my final day.
And now it's over.
It's 1:30 am and I have to finish packing and eventually get some sleep.
I truly am numb to the fact that this is the final night hanging in the Common Room I will have, with it's strange fuzzy wallpaper that is red and gold and slightly Gryffindorian. Final night listening and partaking in very strange conversations. Final night as a member of the CMRS family.
I don't want to say goodbye. But have to.
And again, I'm super excited to go home, and yet don't want to leave. Until I'm home, see my family, sleep in my bed, and wake up still at home, it will not hit me that I'm truly gone.
So here's to the best semester of my life.
Here's to the friends I made while here.
Here's to the CMRS family.
Here's to the memories.
Here's to more great times to come in the separate paths we take.
Here's to looking back and remembering all the great times.
I really do love all of you guys, and thank you for making this term completely EPIC!!!